

诺贝尔的能量 supports educational initiative to empower high-潜在的 youth from low-income families

诺贝尔的能量 supports educational initiative to empower high-潜在的 youth from low-income families


诺贝尔的能量 (是NEQSOL Holding的一部分) is pleased to announce its support for an educational program aimed to discover 30 high-潜在的 youth from underprivileged families aspiring to attend top-ranked international universities and equip them with the required knowledge and skills. 

这个项目, which is implemented by a qualified and successful education company Roof Academic Training, will see the support of exceptionally talented young minds from low-income families in their pursuit of higher education in high-ranking universities. In addition to preparation for critical exams such as IELTS, 坐, GRE考试, GMAT考试, 和托福, the program also takes in assistance in the processes of university and scholarship applications. 

这个项目 targets students applying to universities in the 2023-2024 academic year, with plans to continue their studies abroad in September 2024.

奖学金项目的选拔工作已经开始, and it is being conducted through a meticulous 6-stage process, 包括最初的问卷评估, 英语水平检查, 个人面试, 专家意见, home-family访问, 最后的评估. 在这些阶段中, candidates are assessed based on academic performance, 课外活动, 社会保障水平, 潜在的, 欲望, 和活动, 作为评价的主要标准.

Vugar Samadli, 皇冠体育app首席执行官, said: "The initiative fully aligns with both the country’s and 诺贝尔的能量’s vision to empower youth to secure placements in high-ranking universities to contribute to the development of human capital in our country. 这个成功的项目, that has already helped to nurture educational aspirations of a number of high-潜在的 youth from low-income families, reflects our commitment and humble contribution to building a more resilient and brighter future in Azerbaijan."


皇冠体育app集团, 是NEQSOL Holding的一部分, 是综合能源生产吗, Development and Services Company committed to contributing to the global transition towards a 可持续发展的 and low-carbon future. 通过利用可信赖的专业知识, 集成解决方案, 先进的技术, 战略合作伙伴关系, 以及对创新的高度重视, 诺贝尔的能量 has positioned itself as a 可靠的 partner in delivering complex and 可持续发展的 infrastructure projects across the globe.